Philly Colleges Blog

    Frequently Asked Questions for Employers

    Why hold an Education Fair?

    Working PhillyColleges aka The Greater Philadelphia Alliance of Colleges and Universities (GPACU) to host a college day has numerous benefits for both employers and employees. We provide a “one-stop resource”.

    a. Information – Our website and our representatives will provide your employees with an efficient and effective way to gather college information.

    b. One contact – You can work with a single member of the Alliance rather than making multiple contacts.

    c. Expertise – Our knowledgeable members can assist you in creating a successful event — we’ve arranged more than 100 corporate fairs.

    d. Assistance – We prepare the publicity materials and contact the representatives that you select to attend the event. Our members can provide raffle prizes too!

    e. Relationships – As a result of your event, your organization will have dedicated liaisons at each member institution.

    f. Development – By encouraging the professional development of your employees, you can enhance your recruitment and retention efforts.

    PhillyColleges has developed an approach that minimizes the work for your staff while helping you quickly connect to the majority of the top schools in the greater Philadelphia region.

    We hope you’ll work with PhillyColleges to assist your employees in developing new skills and expertise to give your firm a competitive advantage.

    Who chooses the schools to become a member or to attend a fair?

    Our alliance is open to regionally accredited institutions within the greater Philadelphia region. Therefore, if a local school is not a member, it is likely that they have chosen not to join. Membership requires both a commitment to hosting events and yearly dues.

    The members who attend an event are selected only by the employer. PhillyColleges members are not permitted to recommend any particular institution to an employer or employee. We attempt to provide the best factual information to assist individuals and employers in their decision-making.